I specialize in the transnational and international history of Northeast Asia with a focus on modern Japan. My current research is on the history of U.S. military occupations in Japan, Korea, and Okinawa, focusing on the rise of American hegemony in the region after World War II. Other areas of research include migration and border controls, decolonization, and the “history problem” in East Asia.
Recent publications
- “Dividing Islanders: The Repatriation of ‘Ryūkyūans’ from Occupied Japan,” in Christine De Matos and Mark E. Caprio (eds.), Japan as the Occupier and the Occupied (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015): 206-225.
- “The Rise of American Hegemony in Northeast Asia: An International History of Military Occupations and Alliances, 1945-1954,” 地球社会統合科学 第22巻第1号 (July, 2015): 1-13.
3.「戦後占領期日朝間における人流と国境管理」朝鮮史研究会論文集 第50号 (2012年10月): 5-27.
- “Restitution for Reconciliation: The US, Japan, and the Unpaid Assets of Asian Forced Mobilization Victims,” The Journal of Northeast Asian History, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Summer 2011): 5-37.
- “Border-Crossers and Resistance to US Military Rule in the Ryukyus, 1945-1953,” Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus (September, 2008)
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