Home / Late Industrialisation, Social Change and International Implications

Date: 30th August 2016
Time: 1800-1930
Venue: 国際部棟2階会議室(廊下奥)箱崎キャンパスマップ56番
Language: English
Speaker: Prof. HA Yong Chool (University of Washington)
This presentation tries to answer the following questions. 1)Why had traditional institutions been reinforced in the course of  late industrialization in South Korea? How to link pervasive neofamilism at micro level to macro structural level? 2) What are the comparative implications of the case of South Korea for the study of (late) industrialization and social change? 3) What are the distinctive international perspectives that emerged from late industrialization?
報告者:HA Yong Chool(ワシントン大学教授)
司会:PARK Jong Seok(CAFS准教授)

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