Date: 29th & 30th July 2017
Venue: Nishijin Plaza Kyushu University (29th and 30th morning) 九州大学西新プラザ、大会議室, National Museum of Kyushu (30th afternoon) 九州国立博物館
Co-organised by LCCG (Linking Cloth-Clothing Globally: Scientific Grant-in-Aid(B), GHC (Global History Collaborative) Fukuoka Art Museum, and National Museum of Kyushu
Miki Sugiura (Hosei Unviersity, LCCG and GHC), Etsuko Iwanaga (Fukuoka City Art Museum), and Junko Aono (Kyushu University)
29th July, 9:30-18:00
9:30-9:40 Opening Remarks
1. Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann (Princeton University)
Tales of Trousers and other Things: A World History of Costume?
Panel 1 Inventing Global Costumes in 16th-18th century Japan
2. Mihoko Oka (University of Tokyo)
Jesuit’s Attire in Japan
3. Miki Sugiura (Hosei Unviersity)
Tensho Boys’ Embassy’s Costume invention in 1580s
Lunch Break 12:00- 13:00
4. Claire Cooper (Princeton University)
Nanban, Kōmō, or Tōjin: Japanese Use of Costume to distinguish Foreign Residents in the 17th and 18th centuries
Panel 2 Kosode-Banyan-Kebaya connections revisited
5. Ariane Fennetaux (University of Paris-Diderot)
Behind the Seams : material close reading of some early eighteenth-century banyan connections
6. Keiko Suzuki (Ritsumeikan University)
Stencils made in Ise and used in Kyoto and the World
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break
7. Etsuko Iwanaga (Fukuoka City Art Museum)
The connecting points of Kosode, Banyan and Kebaya Revisited. Inventories of Japanese Women in Batavia.
16:15:- 17:00
8. Peter Lee (Singapore, Peranakan Museum)
Dressing Badly in the Ports. Hybrid Experimental Fashion
17:00- 17:30 A Demonstration of Kebaya and Baju Banyan
During the conference, Kebaya and Baju-Banyan are demonstrated by the courtesy of Fukuoka Art Museum and M. Peter Lee.
17:30-18:00 General Discussion for the first day
30th July, 9:30-17:00
Panel 3 Costumes Portrayed
9:30- 10:15
9. Elizabeth Pilliod (Rutgers University)
Sixteenth Century Dress in Portraits around Bronzino
10:15- 11:00
10. Junko Aono (Kyushu University)
The Japonse Rok in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Portraiture
Lunch 12:00- 13:00
Panel 4 Special Viewing
14:00- 17:00 Special Viewing at Kyushu National Museum
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