6th IMAP/IDOC in Japanese Humanities Symposium on Premodern Japanese Culture
Kyushu University, Faculty of Humanities
February 1–2, 2018
February 1 Excursion to the Kunisaki peninsula (speakers and organizers)
February 2 Symposium
Venue: Conference Room 会議室, 4th floor, Humanities Building, Kaizuka Campus
9:40 Opening Remarks
Tomoyuki Kubo
Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University
9:45 Spaces Sacred and Places of Pleasure: Experiencing Ise ca. 1800–1900
John Breen, International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken)
10:35 Going on Pilgrimage in the Late Qing—Itinerary Networks in “Knowing the Paths of Pilgrimage” and “Records of Travels to Famous Mountains”
Marcus Bingenheimer, Temple University
11:25 Refreshments
11:40 Japan, Korea, and the Central Civilization: National Appropriations of the Confucian World Order, 1600–1700
David Weiss, University of Tübingen
12:30 Lunch
13:45 Elusive Body: Early Japanese Buddhist Reliquaries in the Trans-East Asian Transmission of Ideas
Akiko Walley, University of Oregon
14:35 Terracotta Votive Tablets: Mechanical Reproduction and Transmission of Buddhist Iconography
Hsueh-man Shen, New York University
15:25 Refreshments
15:40 The Hoard of Buddhist Sculpture from Qingzhou Revisited
Lukas Nickel, Vienna University
16:30 The Nature of Circulations and Connections in Pre-Modern Asia
Tansen Sen, NYU Shanghai
Organized by Professors Tomoyuki Kubo, Ellen Van Goethem, Ashton Lazarus, and Cynthea Bogel
Funded by a Kyushu University Progress 100 grant for the creation of interdisciplinary research hubs in the humanities and social sciences (世界トップレベル研究者招へいプログラム チャレンジ枠3) 人社系学際融合リサーチハブ形成型, Grant theme: アジアにおける人の移動と人文学的変容).
For inquiries, please contact vgoethem@lit.kyushu-u.ac.jp
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