This course provides an overview of the requisites of a good thesis. What makes a
thesis an original piece of work? What is literature review, and how is it written?
How should empirical materials be used? What is the difference between a primary source and a secondary source? These are some of the important questions to be addressed in this course.
We will first discuss the basics of thesis writing, and then go on to analyze recent journal articles. The focus will be on how the articles are structured, not on the topics the articles cover. A solid understanding of how academic works are structured is essential for the writing of a good thesis.
Other items (among others) to be covered will be:
1. Citation
2. Summarizing, Paraphrasing, Quoting
3. Plagiarism
4. Use of Empirical Data
5. Concepts
** This course is part of the Comparative Studies of Politics and Administration in Asia CSPA programme offered by Law Faculty of Kyushu University. For more information please contact Jiro HASUMI.
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